In 2008, they introduced in the market the second important products line, Lite ‘n Go.
Lite ‘n Go represented a big challenge for Mindfilm: realizing a complete steadycam System wich works properly as a PRO system, but a cheap price and completely made in Italy.
Presented at Photoshow 2009 in Milan Lite ‘n Go registered immediately a big success, due to the huge number of indipendent videomakers who wanted an instrument that allows them to diversify their own productions offer. Almost 150 units were sold in Italy and across Europe (mainly in Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Serbia).
In 2010, during the Cinec Exhibition in Munich, Mindfilm introduced the brand new Pro series. This top High End steadycam’s product line answered finally also to the needs of pro operators who wanted a top steadycam without spending much than 19.000 €.
Also, during this exhibition and the others wich had followed then, Mindfilm came out with a brand new line of Shoulder Mount rig, dedicated basically to the HDSLR camcorder (Such as Canon Eos 5D / 7D).
In 2011 at IBC Exhibition in Amsterdam, Fabrizio and Riccardo presented Lite n’ Go 2.0. They would like just to refresh lite ‘n go products line, but instead was a revolution. New sleds, stronger arms and vests.
With the same Product’s Phylosopy, Mindfilm is offering to wheter the indipendent filmaker or big production companies, Steadycam systems that work properly, high quality made in Italy of the materials used, and above all, one of the most efficient customer care service.